Friday, March 17, 2017

Отзывы / Feedback

Самый дорогой отзыв о моей сказке написал мне брат в письме 2007 года (после того как он прочел первый черновик). А самым большим комплиментом, который и сегодня придает мне сил и уверенности в собственных крыльях, стала его готовность работать над иллюстрациями.

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The most precious feedback I've ever received about my fairy tale was from my brother in his letter back in 2007, after he read the first draft. And the biggest compliment to me was his readiness to work on illustrations. It still gives me strength and confidence in my own wings.

"The fairy tale turned out wonderful, just wonderful, there are no other words. It is a very Russian, very folk story, but at the same time very personal one. It is filled with warmth, kindness and soaked with light. I don't know how, but you've done it."
Andrei Lialin, artist
about the fairy tale ANYA AND HER WINGS

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or in a local book store (the list HERE).

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